After 24 years and 20 Grand Slam titles, Roger Federer, one of the greatest tennis players of all time, is ending his career. Federer has achieved everything in sport. Now it's time to give something back.
Together with Mercedes-Benz, the platform: NEON LEGACY was created. Under the motto “Giving Back”, long-term projects are to be pushed forward to make the sport of tennis more accessible. In the first step, a neon yellow Mercedes-AMG GT will be auctioned at Sotheby’s. The proceeds will be used to support the renovation of local tennis courts.
As a teaser for the platform, we are creating an audio-visual experience in a film that honors Federer's career and presents the unique car.
Client: Mercedes-Benz
Agency: antoni Berlin
Executive Creative Director : Malte Bülskämper
Creative Director: Damon Aval
Art Director: Tamara Srdic
Agency Producer: Meike Kornrumpf / Moritz Sülz
Agency Consultant: Moritz Buchholz
Production: BWGTBLD GmbH
Executive Producer: Sebastian Cordes
Producer: Greta Müller
Production Coordinator: Anna Ledebur
Director: Anton Tammi @antontammi
Assistent Director: Kirmo Manninen
DOP : Niklas Johansson
1st AD: Fabian Niklaus
Gaffer: Christoph Eser
Key Grip: Nik Delley
Art Director: Merin Ortner, Robin Fessel
Styling: Philipp Junker
MakeUp & Hair: Rachel Brady, Nathanael
VTR: Denis Spycher
DIT: Daniel Keller
Sound & Music: Kraatz Studios
Post Producer: Dorothe Preut, Victor Del Castillo
Editor: Michael Weicker / SEC Studio
Additional Editor: Chris Zimmermann / Vigdis Erla
Post-House / Online: beEpic (Martin Herzberg)
Set Supervisor: Jan Hübel (BeEpic)
Colorist: Joakim Rissveds
3D Animation: Oscar Böckerman